Jones_ tria
per a l'expedició
08:05 PM
Mirkete tria
per a l'expedició
08:03 PM
Dastardlydog tria
per a l'expedició
07:18 PM
New expedition starts under commandement of Dastardlydog
Expedition ended successfully on 19
Jones_ used
for the travel to 19
07:17 PM
Commander disembarked,
new commander for the rest of the expedition is Jones_
Mirkete desembarca a M5 i guanyan 2
06:40 PM
Commander disembarked,
new commander for the rest of the expedition is Mirkete
Dastardlydog desembarca a M5 i guanyan 6
Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 17
Dastardlydog rolled
06:14 PM
Mirkete passa
3/28/2025 08:29 AM
Dastardlydog passa
08:59 PM
Commander disembarked,
new commander for the rest of the expedition is Dastardlydog
Vistathon desembarca a M4 i guanyan 3
Vistathon used
for the travel to 14
Vistathon rolled
01:54 PM
Dastardlydog passa
3/27/2025 06:09 AM
Vistathon used
for the travel to 8
10:56 PM
Vistathon rolled
Vistathon used
for the travel to 4
Vistathon rolled
10:55 PM
The rocket will start from position 3
Jones_ tria
per a l'expedició
Mirkete tria
per a l'expedició
09:31 PM
Dastardlydog tria
per a l'expedició
07:28 PM
Vistathon tria
per a l'expedició
10:15 AM
New expedition starts under commandement of Vistathon
Expedition ended successfully on 19
Mirkete used
for the travel to 19
Mirkete used
for the travel to 17
Mirkete used
for the travel to 16
Mirkete passa
3/26/2025 08:31 AM
Commander disembarked,
new commander for the rest of the expedition is Mirkete
Dastardlydog desembarca a P2
3/25/2025 06:22 PM
Commander disembarked,
new commander for the rest of the expedition is Dastardlydog
Vistathon desembarca a P2
Vistathon used
for the travel to 15
Vistathon rolled
10:22 PM
Dastardlydog passa
04:08 PM
Commander disembarked,
new commander for the rest of the expedition is Vistathon
Jones_ desembarca a M3 i guanyan 2
11:25 AM
Jones_ used
for the travel to 13
Mirkete passa
3/24/2025 07:32 AM
Dastardlydog passa
08:44 PM
Jones_ used
for the travel to 9
Dastardlydog passa
05:00 AM
Vistathon passa
3/23/2025 12:20 AM
Jones_ used
for the travel to 8
Dastardlydog passa
07:32 PM
Jones_ used
for the travel to 7
11:16 AM
The rocket will start from position 3
Mirkete tria
per a l'expedició
3/22/2025 10:28 AM
Dastardlydog tria
per a l'expedició
08:11 PM
Vistathon tria
per a l'expedició
10:13 AM
Jones_ tria
per a l'expedició
3/21/2025 12:15 AM
New expedition starts under commandement of Jones_
Expedition ended with a crash on 7
The rocket is about to crash, but some astronauts still can escape!
Dastardlydog passa
05:48 PM
Jones_ desembarca a P0
12:04 PM
Mirkete used
for the travel to 7
07:44 AM
Dastardlydog passa
11:06 PM
Mirkete used
for the travel to 6
The rocket will start from position 0
Dastardlydog tria
per a l'expedició
03:51 PM
Vistathon tria
per a l'expedició
03:37 PM
Jones_ tria
per a l'expedició
12:04 PM
Mirkete tria
per a l'expedició
3/19/2025 06:53 AM
New expedition starts under commandement of Mirkete
Expedition ended with a crash on 12
Dastardlydog rolled
11:07 PM
Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 12
Dastardlydog rolled
Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 4
Dastardlydog rolled
Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 3
Dastardlydog rolled
Dastardlydog used
for the travel to 1
Dastardlydog rolled
3/18/2025 06:53 AM
The rocket will start from position 0
Vistathon tria
per a l'expedició
10:02 PM
Jones_ tria
per a l'expedició
02:11 PM
Mirkete tria
per a l'expedició
01:53 PM
Dastardlydog tria
per a l'expedició
01:42 PM
New expedition starts under commandement of Dastardlydog
Sabies que...?
Si la partida sembla bloquejada o amb errors, si us plau actualitza la pàgina o prem F5.