Benvinguts a Sagani, on aconseguir l'harmonia entre els elements naturals de la Terra, l'Aigua, l'Aire i el Foc és l'objectiu central dels esperits que poblen aquest món.
Aquests esperits passen la major part del temps als seus habitatges semblants a gerros.
Però quan els elements es posen en equilibri, els esperits surten dels seus vasos i es mostren en la seva forma plena.
Cada esperit encarna un dels quatre elements i influeix en l'harmonia entre ells.
A Sagani, a mesura que tu i els teus oponents creeu aquest món colorit i harmoniós utilitzant els teus discs de so, els esperits es fan totalment visibles.
Cada esperit que es mostra també t'acosta un pas més a la victòria.
Nombre de jugadors: 1 - 4
Durada de la partida: 24 mn
Complexitat: 3 / 5
Juga a Sagani i 934 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Juga a Sagani i 934 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
Each tile is one of four colors (four elements). Each tile has arrows in the same four colors. The aim is to places tiles so the arrows correctly point to tiles in matching colors -- without having too many incomplete
On your turn, take a tile and place it in your area abutting pre-existing ones in whichever orientation you wish
If there's only one tile left, you can choose to take it or put it into Intermezzo and take the one at the top of the draw deck
Stack "sound discs" on the new tile equal to the number of arrows it displays. If you do not have enough sound discs, the remaining must be made up of "cacophony discs" (which are bad and cost negative 2 points)
An arrow is fulfilled when it points to a tile of the same color as itself (this doesn't have to be adjacent directly, just in that required line of sight). When this happens, a sound disc moves onto the arrow to show it is fulfilled. If all the arrows on a tile are now covered, this tile is complete and now scores. Take back all the Discs from it and flip it.
Check if Intermezzo is now full or not (4 tiles). If Intermezzo is full, each player can take one tile from those available. Players get to claim tiles in reverse order of "harmony" score. If no one takes anything, all are discarded.
After this, check the Offer Display, if there are 0 tiles, refill with 5, otherwise they stay as they are
Game End
The game ends when someone reaches or exceeds 75/60/45 points in a 2/3/4 player game
Keep going until all players have had an equal number of turns
Whoever has the most points after this wins
If there's a tie, the player who reached that many points first (i.e. is lower in the stack) wins