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Maps of Misterra

game_image This wonderful game is about cartography!

You play as explorers discovering a mystical and unknown island. Your goal: Explore the island, complete your personal and hidden objectives while proposing a correct cartography of the island to earn maximum points.

A central board representing the island is set up in the center of the table while each player receives their personal parchment in order to map their own discoveries on the island.

Each turn, you may move your cartographer, and then must do one of the following:

- Discover new terrains close to your cartographer.

- Claim control of a region.

A terrain must be explored twice before being validated. The unvalidated terrains on the central board can change, possibly causing your own map to mismatch the central board.

Everyone plays on the same central board. Making it match your own map will be central to the gameplay and will trigger a lot of interaction between players.

You will have to find the ideal balance between your personal objectives, and correct cartography of the island.

Nombre de jugadors: 2 - 4

Durada de la partida: 71 mn

Complexitat: 3 / 5

Juga a Maps of Misterra i 934 a altres jocs en línia.

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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.

De franc.

Autor / autora
Mathieu Bossu, Thomas Cariate, Timothée Decroix
Stanislas Puech
Desenvolupat per
Nombre de partides jugades
Nombre de jugadors
2 - 4
Durada de la partida
71 mn
Disponible des de
4 d’oct. 2023

Juga a Maps of Misterra i 934 a altres jocs en línia.

No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.

Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.

De franc.

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