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Big Monster

game_image Big Monster is a smart drafting and tile laying board game for 2-6 players, with three game modes (completitive, team or 2-3 players)

Welcome to a colorful world inhabited by the most marvelous monsters !

Big Monster takes you to a an unknown and exuberant planet where you will discover strange monsters and rare crystals, but also compete other explorers to fulfill various missions.

Each turn, players pick a tile from their hand and connect it to their planet area symbolizing the discovery of the planet. Then each player has to quickly assign the remaining tiles to another player of its choice - choosing either to help his/her partner, or hinder an opponent.

This innovative draft playing creates a lot of interaction between the players and asks them to face some difficult choices.

Fun, tactic, with simple rules and easy to play, Big Monster is a game for family but also expert players

Nombre de jugadors: 2 - 6

Durada de la partida: 19 mn

Complexitat: 2 / 5

Juga a Big Monster i 993 a altres jocs en línia.

No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.

Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.

De franc.

Autor / autora
Dimitri Perrier
Ivan Nikulin
Desenvolupat per
Nombre de partides jugades
Nombre de jugadors
2 - 6
Durada de la partida
19 mn
Disponible des de
18 de jul. 2022

Juga a Big Monster i 993 a altres jocs en línia.

No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.

Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.

De franc.

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