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Taula #644575921
Moviment #41
Progrés 66%
Anteriorment a draculahelsing #644575921 ... ([Saltar la repetició dels últims moviments])


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Aquest joc ha estat actualitzat des de que va començar: per tant les repetició és EXPERIMENTAL.
Carregant l'historial de registres de la partida (57%)

Dracula - Dra Marulas

Van Helsing - mara_ca


15 cards


7 cards

Reveal one of your cards.
Reveal the top card of the deck.
Reveal one of your opponent’s cards.
Swap two of your cards.
Play another turn. This effect applies even if your opponent has called the end of the round on their turn.
Swap one of your cards with your opponent. Both cards must face the same District.
Swap the Trump Color Token with another Color Token.
You can’t discard an 8 unless there are at least 6 cards in the discard pile. Immediately end the round. Your opponent does not play their turn.



0 -229940530 eur Visitor-229


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Nota: el 3D és experimental

Ets un espectador d'aquesta partida
Dra Marulas
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Aquesta és la meva primera partida, per això tinc el doble de temps
Gràcies per ajudar-me!


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Espectadors: Visitor-229940530
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:14 PM
Round 3/5 starts
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 5
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 4
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 3
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 2
Dra Marulas wins District 2
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 1
End of the round
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
Dra Marulas plays another turn
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°5
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
02:13 PM
mara_ca has called the end of the round. Dra Marulas plays a last turn.
02:48 AM
mara_ca gets a Purple 7
Dra Marulas gets a Red 3
Dra Marulas chooses District 3
Dra Marulas swaps cards of a District
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°6
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
02:44 AM
Dra Marulas gets a Blue 8
mara_ca gets a Red 8
mara_ca chooses District 5
mara_ca swaps cards of a District
mara_ca discards a card with n°6
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
01:53 AM
mara_ca plays another turn
mara_ca discards a card with n°5
mara_ca discards the card
01:52 AM
Dra Marulas swaps cards between Districts 1 and 5
Dra Marulas swaps two of their cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°4
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
3/17/2025 12:28 AM
Top card of deck is a Red 8
mara_ca reveals the top card of the deck
mara_ca discards a card with n°2
mara_ca discards the card
08:47 PM
Dra Marulas reveals one of their cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°1
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
08:40 PM
mara_ca swaps cards between Districts 3 and 5
mara_ca swaps two of their cards
mara_ca discards a card with n°4
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 5 and discards this one
05:10 PM
mara_ca plays another turn
mara_ca discards a card with n°5
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
05:09 PM
Dra Marulas swaps color tokens
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°7
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
Round 2/5 starts
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 5
Dra Marulas wins District 5
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 4
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 3
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 2
Dracula loses 1 HP
mara_ca wins District 1
End of the round
Dra Marulas ends the round
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°8
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
04:54 PM
mara_ca has called the end of the round. Dra Marulas plays a last turn.
04:29 PM
mara_ca gets a Red 2
Dra Marulas gets a Blue 2
Dra Marulas chooses District 1
Dra Marulas swaps cards of a District
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°6
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
02:40 PM
mara_ca swaps color tokens
mara_ca discards a card with n°7
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
01:13 PM
Dra Marulas swaps color tokens
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°7
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:56 AM
mara_ca swaps cards between Districts 2 and 4
mara_ca swaps two of their cards
mara_ca discards a card with n°4
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
02:37 AM
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:26 AM
mara_ca reveals one of their cards
mara_ca discards a card with n°1
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 4 and discards this one
02:25 AM
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:23 AM
Round 1/5 starts
3/16/2025 02:17 AM
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