Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:14 PM
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 2
Dra Marulas wins District 2
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
Dra Marulas plays another turn
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°5
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
02:13 PM
mara_ca has called the end of the round. Dra Marulas plays a last turn.
02:48 AM
Dra Marulas chooses District 3
Dra Marulas swaps cards of a District
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°6
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
02:44 AM
Dra Marulas gets a Blue 8
mara_ca chooses District 5
mara_ca swaps cards of a District
mara_ca discards a card with n°6
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
01:53 AM
mara_ca plays another turn
mara_ca discards a card with n°5
mara_ca discards the card
01:52 AM
Dra Marulas swaps cards between Districts 1 and 5
Dra Marulas swaps two of their cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°4
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
3/17/2025 12:28 AM
Top card of deck is a Red 8
mara_ca reveals the top card of the deck
mara_ca discards a card with n°2
mara_ca discards the card
08:47 PM
Dra Marulas reveals one of their cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°1
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
08:40 PM
mara_ca swaps cards between Districts 3 and 5
mara_ca swaps two of their cards
mara_ca discards a card with n°4
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 5 and discards this one
05:10 PM
mara_ca plays another turn
mara_ca discards a card with n°5
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
05:09 PM
Dra Marulas swaps color tokens
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°7
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 5
Dra Marulas wins District 5
Dra Marulas ends the round
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°8
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
04:54 PM
mara_ca has called the end of the round. Dra Marulas plays a last turn.
04:29 PM
Dra Marulas gets a Blue 2
Dra Marulas chooses District 1
Dra Marulas swaps cards of a District
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°6
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
02:40 PM
mara_ca swaps color tokens
mara_ca discards a card with n°7
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
01:13 PM
Dra Marulas swaps color tokens
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°7
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:56 AM
mara_ca swaps cards between Districts 2 and 4
mara_ca swaps two of their cards
mara_ca discards a card with n°4
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
02:37 AM
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:26 AM
mara_ca reveals one of their cards
mara_ca discards a card with n°1
mara_ca swaps with the card in District 4 and discards this one
02:25 AM
Dra Marulas reveals one of their opponent’s cards
Dra Marulas discards a card with n°3
Dra Marulas swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
02:23 AM
Round 1/5 starts
3/16/2025 02:17 AM
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