ianz16 (North) draws a tile.
08:42 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards 1-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
07:50 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
3/27/2025 07:12 AM
jufry (South) discards 1-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
11:48 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 7-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
E175 (Est) draws a tile.
06:44 PM
ianz16 (North) discards 5-Character from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
11:57 AM
ianz16 (North) draws a tile.
08:09 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards 2-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
3/26/2025 07:55 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
10:48 PM
jufry (South) discards 8-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
10:45 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 4-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
ianz16 (North) discards 5-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
09:35 PM
ianz16 (North) draws a tile.
09:34 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards North Wind, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
09:33 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
09:19 PM
jufry (South) discards 2-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
03:29 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 9-Cercle from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
E175 (Est) has called Pon!
02:42 PM
jufry (South) discards Drac Verd from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
01:18 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 3-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
E175 (Est) draws a tile.
11:13 AM
ianz16 (North) discards 4-Character from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
ianz16 (North) has called Chi!
11:00 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards 6-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
07:59 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
3/25/2025 06:52 AM
jufry (South) discards 6-Bambú from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
11:03 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 5-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
E175 (Est) draws a tile.
05:16 PM
ianz16 (North) discards 9-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
05:07 PM
ianz16 (North) draws a tile.
05:03 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards 9-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
05:02 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
04:43 PM
jufry (South) discards 9-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
04:42 PM
jufry forms an appended Kan, draws a replacement tile, and reveals a new Dora indicator (4-Character).
04:17 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 6-Cercle from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
03:38 PM
E175 forms a concealed Kan, draws a replacement tile, and reveals a new Dora indicator (4-Bamboo).
E175 (Est) draws a tile.
03:37 PM
ianz16 (North) discards 6-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
03:34 PM
ianz16 (North) draws a tile.
03:16 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards 7-Cercle, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
02:53 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
09:19 AM
jufry (South) discards 8-Bambú from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
jufry (South) has called Pon!
09:08 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards North Wind, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
3/24/2025 07:53 AM
MarboSlyder (Oest) draws a tile.
jufry (South) discards 4-Cercle from the tiles already in hand before the start of the turn.
10:59 PM
jufry (South) draws a tile.
E175 (Est) discards 4-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
E175 (Est) draws a tile.
10:55 PM
ianz16 (North) discards 1-Character, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
10:53 PM
ianz16 (North) draws a tile.
10:49 PM
MarboSlyder (Oest) discards 9-Bambú, which was the tile drawn in this turn.
3/23/2025 10:48 PM
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