Com fer un tutorial?
Els tutorials de BGA es basen en la funció "Reproduir un joc".
Per crear un tutorial, heu de crear un joc adequat (jugant-lo), reproduir-lo i afegir explicacions utilitzant `Funcions de reproducció avançades`.
Per assegurar-vos que el vostre tutorial serà seleccionat, llegiu atentament les directrius a continuació.
- Choose a game you master
- Write the tutorial scenario first
- Explain rules in the right order: theme, goal, overview, generic rules to specific rules
- Jump into the game (show game moves)
- Do not explain something until necessary
- Do not have to explain what BGA is taking care of
- Focus on rules, not on strategy tips
- You don't need to play game until the end
- Create a game replay specifically for the tutorial
- Add replay comments ("advanced replay features")
- Use all comments capabilities (placement option, text styles, icons, images,...)
- Make the player DO his/her moves
- Write in English
- Shorter = Better
- Encourage the players
- Make your tutorial official
- Do not change your tutorial (too much) once it official
- Monitor your tutorial stats