Turncoats és un joc competitiu per a 2-5 jugadors, on tres faccions estan en guerra. Els jugadors assumeixen el paper d'Aspirants i Intrusos, òbviament no vinculats a cap grup. En canvi, han de gestionar les seves lleialtats, representades per pedres a la mà que mantenen amagades de tots els altres.
Durant la partida, els jugadors gasten pedres de la seva mà per fer accions amb la facció corresponent. No obstant això, han de vigilar bé les pedres restants i els desempats, ja que al final de la partida, la facció guanyadora triarà el jugador que tingui més pedres a la mà com a nou governant.
Nombre de jugadors: 2 - 5
Durada de la partida: 5 mn
Complexitat: 2 / 5
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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Juga a Turncoats i 974 a altres jocs en línia.
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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
The players are trying to obtain the best control over the neutral pieces on the map, once all players take the negotiate action consecutively, the game ends
A colour has control of a space if it either has clear majority OR it ties and has majority on the AXE space OR it ties on the space and AXE space but has majority on the FLAG space
On your turn, you can take one of the four actions:
Recruit | Place a stone from your hand onto a normal space in the map |
Battle | Place a stone from your hand onto the AXE space and pick a normal space, each stone of that colour then attacks and kills one other stone of a different colour of your choice e.g. in a space there are 3 blues, a black and 2 reds, you place a red on the AXE space and pick this particular normal space, so can kill (remove) up to 2 non-reds as there are 2 reds present, this can be 2 blues, or 1 blue and the 1 black |
March | Place a stone from your hand onto the FLAG space then pick an a normal space, 1 or more matching stones from that space can move to one adjacent space, but cannot be split up i.e. only 2 areas will be affected, the start and the end |
Negotiate | Take a stone out of the bag and put a stone back, this can be the same or different, you take secretly but return viewable to all. If there is a full round where every player has Negotiated in turn, the game ends. |
Once a round of Negotiation has ended the game, first figure out which colour has won:
• The colour with control over the most normal spaces wins.
• If tied, compare the tied colours first with the AXE space then the FLAG space to break the tie.
• If still tied, no colour wins, therefore all colours lose, and you go on to player tie-breakers.
Whoever holds the most pieces of the winning colour in their hand is the winning player. If tied, compare stones from all losing colours (i.e. the ones in 2nd and 3rd place, or all stones if no colour won) and the player who holds the least losing stones wins. If still tied, turn order determines the winner.