Thrive és un joc abstracte, d'estratègia a dos, amb unes regles ben senzilles que es va fent més complex a mesura que hi jugues.
Jugues com una de les dues flors de lotus que competeixen per a controlar l'estany. Sigues el primer a capturar totes les llavors del teu contrincant menys una i guanya aquest joc de presa de decisions tàctiques!
A cada torn mous una peça i després afegeixes dos pius addicionals a qualsevol de les teves peces, donant-los més possibilitats de moviment en futurs torns.
Nombre de jugadors: 2
Durada de la partida: 19 mn
Complexitat: 3 / 5
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De franc.
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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
In Thrive, you play as one of two lotus flowers, competing to control the pond. Be the first to capture all but one of your opponent's seed pods and win this game of tactical decision making!
On a player's turn, in this order, if they can, they must: 1.Move one of their pieces. 2.Then place 2 pegs in any of their pieces.
Piece Movement
All pegs in a piece other than the center peg represent the possible moves that piece can take, relative to its position on the board, (represented by its center peg). Every piece starts with one peg allowing the piece to move one space forward.
When a piece is moved onto another piece, the other piece is removed from the game.
Pieces can jump over other pieces.
Pieces cannot move off the game board.
Pieces do not rotate.
Peg Placement
Pegs have to be placed into empty holes in your own pieces, and only into pieces that have not yet been captured. You can place your two pegs on different pieces on the same turn. You do not need to place either of the pegs onto the piece you just moved.
If you reduce your opponent to just one piece remaining, you win the game.
Secondary goal: In a game where both players have exactly two pieces remaining, a player may instead win the game by filling one of their remaining pieces with pegs.