Schrödinger's Cats
Schrödinger's Cats és un joc de cartes pseudocientífic d'incertesa estratègica per a 2-6 jugadors. Un joc ràpid i divertit de blufs, deducció i fotos de gats bonics!
La incertesa no va matar el gat, però això no vol dir que no estigui mort. El Dr. Erwin Schrödinger i Werner Heisenberg ens ho van ensenyar. Tots hem sentit a parlar dels gats en caixes d'experiment i potser fins i tot tenim curiositat pels resultats, però intentar aquest experiment seria INSANE a la vida real! Ara podeu provar la vostra mà per desafiar el principi d'incertesa sense arriscar-vos a la vida de gatets innocents o exposició a partícules radioactives! Aw!
En els jugadors de Schrödinger's Cats s'executen experiments, formen hipòtesis i tracten d'augmentar la recerca de l'altre. Els jugadors assumeixen el paper d'un físic de gats com Albert Felinestein, Sally Prride o Neil deGrasse Tabby! Utilitzant la seva habilitat especial per ajudar a demostrar la seva hipòtesi, o almenys desacreditar la d'una altra persona, cada físic del gat intenta determinar el nombre mínim de gats vius, gats morts o caixes buides a totes les caixes del laboratori de Schrödinger.
És possible que no estiguis segur que la teva hipòtesi sigui vàlida, però si t'agraden els gats, la ciència i els jocs segur que t'encantarà el joc de cartes dels gats de Schrödinger!
Nombre de jugadors: 2 - 6
Durada de la partida: 9 mn
Complexitat: 1 / 5
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De franc.
Resum de les regles
Set Up (that you need to know)
a) One doctorate card is dealt to each player and one doctorate card is placed in the discard pile.
b) Deal a number of boxes to each player equal to the number of players. (e.g. with 4 players, deal 4 boxes to each player)
c) Set up a research deck.
Types of Boxes (Cards)
Alive Cats
It has the lowest rank. There are 20 alive cats in the deck.
Dead Cats
It has a higher rank than alive cats but a lower rank than empty boxes. There are 20 dead cats in the deck.
Empty Boxes
It has the highest rank. When proposing a hypothesis, it has double value. There are 8 empty boxes in the deck.
It is like a wild card, but it always counts towards the current bid. Because of this, a hypothesis of Heisenbergs is never allowed. There are 4 Heisenbergs in the deck.
On Your Turn
a) You must make a hypothesis (bid) of higher value than the last scientist's (player's) after reviewing your hand. This means you must make a bid that is to the right or down from the current bid on the bidding card. The current hypothesis (bid) is indicated by a circle.
b) Then, you may show some of your findings by playing cards from your hand of the type matching your current bid. Then you may discard up to as many remaining boxes (cards) in your hand as you placed face up and then re-draw the same number.
c) You may reveal your doctorate (cat physicist card). If you do so, activate its ability, then discard the doctorate card (for the rest of the game).
d) If you think the previous scientist's (player's) bid is unlikely to be true, call the last scientist's hypothesis into question. The findings are counted (total cards from everyone's hands) and the scientist with the wrong hypothesis is out of the game (challenger or bidder). The scientist who debunks or is confirmed starts the next round.
Doctorate Powers
Name | Power |
Albert Felinestein | Discard your research and draw an equal number of boxes. |
Cecelia Pounce | Add 2 alive cat findings this experiment. |
Madam Purrie | Discard all alive cat findings. |
Maria Goeppertmeower | Add 1 empty box findings this experiment. |
Mittens Faraday | Discard all dead cat findings. |
Neil Degrasse Tabby | Use the ability of a face-up cat scientist. |
Sally Prride | You may look at the discard this turn. |
Sir Isaac Mewton | Draw 2 additional boxes from the research deck. |
Stephen Pawking | Skip your hypothesis this turn. |
Whiskers Feyncat | Do not count Heisenbergs as findings this experiment. |