Veniu a jugar a les dunes, on creix l’herba de Marram. Remodeleu el paisatge; recolliu flors i monedes; trepitgeu serps, cucs i bèsties insòlites; i batalleu per veure qui gira més peces. Tot això en un sol joc!
La versió “Clàssica” de Marram és un estratègic joc de col·locació de peces per a 2-4 jugadors. És fàcil d'aprendre, però difícil de dominar. Per torns, posareu sobre la taula peces amb trossos de serps i de cucs, i amb extensions d’herba i de sorra, de manera que coincideixin amb les peces que ja hi ha. En comptes de col·locar una peça, podeu remodelar el paisatge amb una pala, girant una peça de la taula. Col·loqueu botes d'aigua per prendre el control de les serps, els cucs, i les extensions d’herba i de sorra. Quan es completin, guanyareu punts. Qui faci més punts guanyarà la partida! Podeu aprendre a jugar amb el joc curt, que dura 15-25 minuts, i utilitzeu les habilitats que apreneu en el joc llarg (25-40 minuts), molt més estratègic
O espremeu els vostres cervells jugant a la variant més llarga i complexa, la “Forca”: un joc amb dues meitats. Captureu i elimineu les serps i els cucs durant la primera meitat del joc i lluiteu pel control sobre àmplies extensions d’herba i sorra a la segona. Per jugar a aquesta versió cal pensar molt estratègicament, i dura aproximadament una hora. El joc curt dura entre 25 i 35 minuts.
Finalment, una variant una mica esbojarrada. “Animals” expandeix la “Forca” on podeu apostar si mosques i granotes seran engolides per les serps i guanyar punts extra.
Nombre de jugadors: 2 - 4
Durada de la partida: 42 mn
Complexitat: 2 / 5
Juga a Marram i 1003 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Juga a Marram i 1003 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
For tips on how to play marram, see Tips_marram
How to play
Marram Classic
- Each turn, a player must do the following twice:
- place a tile; or
- flip a tile.
Place a tile
- When placing a tile, all the features of adjacent tiles must match: grass tufts, sand, orange snakes, blue snakes and worms.
- If there are any remaining in their supply, a player may optionally place a welly boot on a feature of the placed tile.
- If the tile placement completes a feature, that feature scores for the player with the most welly boots on it.
- All welly boots from completed features are returned to their respective players.
Flip a tile
- A player may only flip a tile if they have at least one remaining shovel in their supply.
- Flipping a tile expends a shovel from the player's supply.
- The player selects a tile with a shovel symbol on it and turns it over in place.
- If there are any welly boots on the flipped tile itself, they are removed from the game.
- The tile is then realigned, if necessary, so that its features match with the adjacent tiles.
- If more than one rotation is possible, the player may choose.
- The player may then optionally place a welly boot on a feature on the tile.
- Any features completed as a result of the flipping are scored, including those from welly boots just placed.
- Welly boots from completed features are returned to their owners.
Marram Pitchfork
- Same as classic, except with using pitchforks for claiming the creatures.
- A completed creature will disappear from the board, making it much easier to complete grass tufts and sand mounds.
- Pitchforks will be returned to their owners for each completed creature.
Marram Classic
Type of feature | Conditions | Scoring |
Orange snake | Must have two ends. | 1 point for each end, plus 1 point for each middle segment. |
Worm | Must have two ends and one saddle. | 2 points for each end, 2 points for the saddle, plus 2 point for each middle segment. |
Blue snake | Must have one head, one tail and at least one middle segment. | 3 points for the head, 3 points for the tail, plus 3 points for each middle segment. |
Freak beasts | Any worm or snake that fails to meet its species criteria | 3 points. |
Grass tufts | (Must be completely surrounded by sand) | 5 points per bulge, plus 5 points for each gold coin and 3 points for each silver coin. |
Sand mounds | (Must be completely surrounded by grass) | 5 points per bulge, plus 4 points for each flower. |
Marram Pitchfork
Type of feature | Conditions | Scoring |
Orange snake | Must have two ends. | 1 point for each end, plus 1 point for each middle segment. |
Worm | Must have two ends and one saddle. | 2 points for each end, 2 points for the saddle, plus 2 point for each middle segment. |
Blue snake | Must have one head, one tail and at least one middle segment. | 3 points for the head, 3 points for the tail, plus 3 points for each middle segment. |
Freak beasts | Any worm or snake that fails to meet its species criteria | 3 points. |
Grass tufts | (Must be completely surrounded by sand) | 3 points per bulge, plus 4 points for each gold coin and 2 points for each silver coin. |
Sand mounds | (Must be completely surrounded by grass) | 3 points per bulge, plus 3 points for each flower. |