El joc tradicional hawaià de captures.
Primer Negre i després Blanc, heu de treure una pedra cadascú (la pedra que s'ha de treure la indica la interface). Després torna a jugar el Negre alternativament capturant una pedra enemiga saltant a sobre d'ella ortogonalment(no en diagonal).
Es poden fer diversos moviments (on hi ha caselles buides i enemics alternativament). En la mateixa direcció (no es pot canviar), el jugador pot continuar avançant tantes caselles com vulgui ( i pugui) després de la primera ( que és obligatòria).
El primer jugador que no pugui capturar ( per manca de moviments possibles o pedres) perdrà la partida.
Nombre de jugadors: 2
Durada de la partida: 6 mn
Complexitat: 2 / 5
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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
Goal of the game
To leave your opponent without any possible moves.
A square game board made up of rows and columns is initially completely filled with stones, alternating between black and white pieces.
Black moves first, by taking off one of their stones. They may only remove a stone from the middle of the board (the centre or a piece adjacent to the centre) or from one of the corners. White removes one of their stones that is adjacent orthogonally to the empty square created by Black. There should now be two empty squares next to each other.
Player turn
From there on, players take turns making a move. To move, one jumps one own stone over an opponent's stone into an empty slot right beyond. Jumps can only be orthogonal, not diagonal.
A player may make multiple jumps (thence making multiple captures) with the same stone in a turn, but only if all the jumps are in the same direction (no turns). Making more than one jump (when possible) is optional, but the first jump (and capture) is mandatory. Pieces that are jumped are removed from the board.
Game end
When one player is unable to jump during their turn, they lose the game and the opponent wins.