A Fistful of Gold
Els jugadors són vaquers que s’enfronten en un duel jugant simultàniament les seves cartes de Revòlver. Pura doble endevinació minimalista al cor del Far West!
Cada jugador agafa les 9 cartes d’un color. A continuació, descarta 2 cartes de la seva elecció, cara avall. La partida es juga en una sèrie de rondes, cadascuna composta per diversos torns (Duels). A cada torn, els jugadors escullen secretament una de les seves cartes i la col·loquen davant seu, al costat de les altres cartes que ja s’han jugat.
Si la diferència entre les dues cartes és menor o igual a 3, la carta més alta guanya tant d’Or com la diferència entre les cartes.
Si la diferència entre les dues cartes és superior a 3, la carta més baixa guanya tant d’Or com la diferència entre les cartes.
Si ambdues cartes són iguals, no hi ha guanyador. Es col·loquen 2 d'Or entre les dues cartes.
Nombre de jugadors: 2
Durada de la partida: 5 mn
Complexitat: 1 / 5
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Resum de les regles
The players are cowboys facing one another in a duel. The game plays out in a number of rounds which each consist of a number of duels in which both players place a card with a value that will beat the opponents.
The Rounds
- There are 3 rounds.
- In each round, each player takes 9 cards and discards 2.
- In the first round, there are 6 duels.
- In the second round, there are 5.
- In the third round, there are 4.
Turn Sequence
- The players secretly pick a card which is placed in front of them simultaneously.
- You may not place a card of an immediately higher (+1) value than you previously played.
- This represents one duel and the winner will receive a certain amount of gold to be outlined below.
End of a Round
- The round ends when all but 1 cards have been played.
- The person with the most gold wins the round.
- The players take back the cards they have played and the following round is played with one less duel.
- The first person to win two or three rounds wins the game.
Winning and Scoring a Duel
- The highest card wins the duel if the difference between the cards is no more than 3.
- The lowest card wins the duel if the difference is more than 3.
- Equal cards is a tie. Nobody wins and 2 gold is placed between the cards.
- The winner of the duel scores as much gold as the difference between the cards
- The numbers you will win and lose against are displayed on the card.
Special Cards
- 6: If you are the first to play the 6 then you may take all gold from tied duels.
- 7(pink): The round finished if this is at least the 3rd duel.
- 7(green): Each duel won in this round earns you 1 gold, starting from the next round.
- 8(pink): If your opponent plays a 1 against this card, you win 3 gold.
- 8(green): Take back a discarded card and show it to your opponent. Discard 2 cards at the end of this round.
- Dynamite: Wins against 1-4 but loses against 5-8. The winner of a duel with dynamite gets 3 gold.
- Other cards will enable you play special actions, such as taking back discarded cards, as printed on the card.