Exit Strategy
Exit Strategy és un joc de laberints per a 2-6 jugadors. Dirigeix-te a la cantonada oposada mentre bloqueges als teus amics amb els teus murs!
Exit Strategy es juga en un tauler hexagonal, amb un color diferent en cada cantonada. En cada torn pots moure al teu personatge 1 espai o col·locar un mur en qualsevol lloc del tauler per a bloquejar dues vores.
L'objectiu és intentar arribar al teu hexàgon, en el costat oposat del tauler des d'on comences. El joc és també una carrera, en la qual no sols es tracta d'arribar el primer, sinó de guanyar posicions.
Nombre de jugadors: 2 - 6
Durada de la partida: 12 mn
Complexitat: 2 / 5
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De franc.
Juga a Exit Strategy i 959 a altres jocs en línia.
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Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
Be the first to reach the corner of your color, across the board from your starting position. If playing in Team Mode, all players on a team must reach their respective colors.
On your turn, you can either move your character 1 space or place a wall anywhere on the board to block off two edges.
If playing in fast mode, you can do both on your turn- move 1 space and place a wall- or you can skip placing a wall.
You can move to an adjacent hex, as long as there is no wall between the two hexes.
You cannot enter a colored hex that isn't of your color.
You can enter an hex already occupied with another character. In this case, you have to make a second move action, to an adjacent hex that isn't occupied by a character (meaning you cannot jump over multiple characters in a turn).
You have a limited personal supply for walls.
The 2 parts of your walls must be between hexes (you can't place walls that would be half out of the board).
You can never place a wall that would completely prevent a character from reaching its goal (you must always leave a legal path for every character).