Sigues l'últim en aquest joc de tiroteig del salvatge oest amb rols ocults.
«Els bandits cacen el xèrif. El Xèrif caça els Ban. El Renegat trama en secret, llest per prendre un bàndol o un altre. Les bales volen. Qui dels pistolers és un Alguacil, disposat a sacrificar-se pel Xèrif? I qui és un despietat forat, disposat a matar-lo? ¡Si vols esbrinar-ho, roba (les teves cartes)!». (Del dors de la caixa)
El joc de cartes BANG! recrea un tiroteig a l'antiga usança del spaghetti western, on cada jugador rep a l'atzar una carta de Personatge per determinar les seves habilitats especials, i una carta de Rol secreta per determinar el seu objectiu.
Hi ha quatre Rols diferents disponibles, cadascun amb una condició de victòria única:
Sheriff - Mata tots els forjats i el renegat.
Alguacil - Protegeix el Sheriff i mata tots els Forajidos.
Foratjat - Mata al Sheriff
Renegat - Ser l'última persona dreta
El Rol d'un jugador es manté en secret, tret del Sheriff. Les cartes de personatge es col·loquen cara amunt sobre la taula, i també registren la força (límit de la mà) a més de l'habilitat especial.
Hi ha 22 tipus diferents de cartes al mall. Les més comunes són les cartes BANG!, que us permeten disparar a un altre jugador, suposant que l'objectiu estigui dins de l'«abast» de la vostra arma actual. El jugador objectiu pot jugar una carta «VAN FALLAR!» per esquivar el tret. Altres cartes poden proporcionar millores temporals mentre estàs en joc (per exemple, diferents armes per millorar el teu abast de tret) i efectes especials d'una sola vegada per ajudar-te o perjudicar els teus oponents (com Cervesa per restaurar la salut, o Barrils per amagar-te darrere durant un tiroteig). Un cavall és útil per mantenir les distàncies amb els veïns revoltosos, mentre que el Winchester pot assolir un objectiu a distància 5. La Gatling és una excepció mortal en què l'abast no importa: només es pot fer servir una vegada, però apunta a tots els altres jugadors de la taula!
Nombre de jugadors: 4 - 7
Durada de la partida: 17 mn
Complexitat: 3 / 5
Juga a BANG! i 959 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Juga a BANG! i 959 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
Each player has their own goal.
- Sheriff and Deputies: Kill all the Outlaws and the Renegade.
- Outlaws: Kill the Sheriff.
- Renegade: Kill all opponents with the Sheriff being last.
Everyone knows the Sheriff but all other characters are hidden.
The number of roles varies by player count as follows
- 4 players: 1 Sheriff, 1 Renegade, 2 Outlaws
- 5 players: 1 Sheriff, 1 Renegade, 2 Outlaws, 1 Deputy
- 6 players: 1 Sheriff, 1 Renegade, 3 Outlaws, 1 Deputy
- 7 players: 1 Sheriff, 1 Renegade, 3 Outlaws, 2 Deputy
Player's Turn
- Draw two cards from the draw pile.
- Play any number of cards, but only 1 Bang!
- Discard cards to your hand size limit (your life points).
- You can have only 1 copy of any card in play, unless the copy is from your character.
- You can only have 1 weapon. If you haven't played any weapons, you have Colt.45 (distance 1).
- Brown border cards have immediate effect while blue cards have effects that last until they are removed.
- The distance between players is the minimum number of places between them.
- The Sheriff starts with 1 extra life point.
- When you lose your last life point, you die unless you play a Beer.
- When you die, discard all your cards and show your role card to others.
- If the Sheriff kills a Deputy, they discards all cards they have in hand and in play.
- Anyone killing an Outlaw draws 3 cards.
- Beer has no effect when only 2 players are left
Talking/Writing in chat: talking "at the table" is part of the game, as is lying about your role. However, as expressly specified by Emiliano Sciarra (creator of Bang!) on
1) One "cannot say which cards are in your hand, nor you can ask directly another player whether he approves the playing of some card or not" (SOURCE:
2) One "may try to tell other players what to do: if they will obey, on the other hand, that's up to them (as well as finding a way to explain their behaviour...)" (SOURCE:
Emiliano Sciarra is Alkan on BGG and you can review what they say on BGG here:
Note that these rules are community-maintained. Literally anyone can write anything here. When in doubt, refer to the Official Rule Book (en -, it -, the Official FAQ (en -!_FAQ_ENG.pdf, it -!_FAQ_ITA.pdf), or stuff that is stated by the creator (see link above).
People often like to make up rules. Refer to the infamous definition of a "scrub" by game designer David Sirlin: Don't be that scrub!
High Noon expansion
The High Noon cards apply from the Sheriff's second turn. A new card (which is visible to the left of the active card) is activated before each of the Sheriff's turns. (The next card is then dimly revealed to the left.)
End of Game
- If the Sheriff is killed, Outlaws win unless the Renegade is the last one standing, which he wins.
- If all the Outlaws and the Renegade are killed, the Sheriff and his Deputies win.
- Bart Cassidy (4): Each time he loses a life point, he draws a card.
- Black Jack (4): Show his second card: if it is red he draws an additional card.
- Calamity Janet (4): She can use Bang! as Missed! and vice versa.
- El Gringo (3): When he losses a life point, he draws a random card from the player that caused his life loss.
- Jesse Jones (4): He may draw his first card from any other player instead of from the deck.
- Jourdonnais (4): He has a Barrel in play at all times.
- Kit Carlson (4): He looks at the top 3 cards in the deck when he draws: draw 2 and put the other on top of the deck.
- Lucky Duke (4): He chooses the result of a draw! from 2 cards.
- Paul Regret (3): He has a Mustang in play at all times.
- Pedro Ramirez (4): He may draw his first card from the discard pile.
- Rose Doolan (4): She has a Scope in play at all times.
- Sid Ketchum (4): He may discard 2 cards to regain 1 life point at any time.
- Slab the Killer (4): 2 Missed! must be played to cancel his Bang!
- Suzy Lafayette (4): She draws a card when she has no cards.
- Vulture Sam (4): He takes all the cards of that player when a player dies.
- Willy the Kid (4): He can play any number of Bang! during his turn.
Card List
Brown Cards: Immediate Effect (63)
- Bang!: Target a player that you can reach. They lose 1 life point unless they can play a Missed! (25)
- Missed!: Cancel a Bang! (12)
- Beer: Regain 1 life point. Can be played when receiving a lethal hit. (6)
- Saloon: All players regain 1 life point. Cannot be played out of turn. (1)
- Stagecoach & Wells Fargo: Draw 2 or 3 cards. (2) and (1)
- General Store: Draw cards equal to number of alive players. Everyone chose a card starting from you. (2)
- Panic!: Draw a card from a player with distance 1. (4)
- Cat Balou: Force a player to discard a card. (4)
- Gatling: All other players lose 1 life point. (1)
- Indians: All other players discard a Bang! or lose 1 life point. (2)
- Duel: Challenge a player. The challenged and the challenger take turns to discard a Bang! and the first player failing loses 1 life point. (3)
Blue Cards: Continuous Effect (17)
- Weapons: They change the maximum distance that you can hit, except the Volcanic which allows you to play any number of Bang! (8)
- Mustang: All other players see you with a distance increased by 1. (2)
- Scope: You see all other players with a distance decreased by 1, but at least 1. (1)
- Barrel: When you are targeted with a Bang!-card, draw a card from the deck. If it is a heart, you are Missed! (2)
- Jail: Play this card on another player. That player draw! and escapes if it is a heart, otherwise his turn is skipped. Jail cannot be played on the Sheriff.(3)
- Dynamite: When this card is in front of you, draw! and it explodes when it is a spades 2-9 (you lose 3 life points), otherwise pass it. (1)