#42314: "Received zero “ELO” points for a win."
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# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Descripció detallada
• Si us plau, copia i enganxa el missatge d'error que veus a la pantalla, si és que n'hi ha algun.
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Si us plau, què volies fer, què vas fer i que va succeir
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Si us plau, copieu/enganxeu el text mostrat en anglès en comptes del teu idioma. Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• És aquest text disponible al sistema de traducció? Si és així, ha sigut traduït fa més de 24 hores?
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Què es mostrava a la pantalla quan estaves bloquejat (pantalla en blanc? Part de la interfície del joc? Missatge d'error?)
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Quina part de les regles no s'han respectat per l'adaptació de BGA
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• És visible la violació de les normes durant la repetició de la partida? Si es així, en quin número de moviment?
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Quina va ser l'acció del joc que volies fer?
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Què intentes fer per dur a terme aquesta acció del joc?
• Què va passar quan ho vas intentar fer (missatge d'error, missatge de la barra d'estat de la partida, ...)?
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• A quina fase del joc va passar l'error (quina era la ordre en curs)?
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Què va passar quan vas intentar dur a terme l'acció del joc (missatge d'error, missatge de la barra d'estat del joc, ...)?
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Si us plau, descriviu el problema de visualització. Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Si us plau, copieu/enganxeu el text mostrat en anglès en comptes del teu idioma. Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• És aquest text disponible al sistema de traducció? Si és així, ha sigut traduït fa més de 24 hores?
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
I was playing a regular game (NOT a training mode game) with another player. We won the game and both players received zero ELO ranking points. This is a team-oriented game so it seems like we should both receive some points. Prior to this game my Tranquility ELO was 24, and the other player had an ELO of 89.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v91
Historial de denúncies
Table #185612388
Move #50
Progression 100%
Table #185738089
Move #52
Progression 100%
Happened to us on this game as well. We won but both got 0 points.
Table #186014043
Move #53
Progression 100%
Table #186288578
Table #186526208
Move #47
Progression 100%
Table #187003048
Move #51
Progression 100%
Table #187017390
Move #48
Progression 100%
Table #187724482
Move #82
Progression 100%
Table #187945201
Move #89
Progression 100%
We won the game but neither player's ELO was increased. Very frustrating!!
we won, neither of us received any points. second occurrence, same players.
It's very frustrating when you're just trying to get to 100 ELO so you can play Arena!
We are both "average" players, so it stands to reason that we should be able to win points, not lose points (!!!), if we win on an "average game" with no monsters or rocks.
Table 255186422
This has been an issue for almost a year - and not a peep in response! >:(
pffffff .... one year and no answer for anyone....
Zero ELO for both players when we won the game.
I love playing Tranquility but it is a bit of a bummer not to get ELO for games won. Please fix!
Please fix the bug with ELO in the game Tranquility.
Here are the last few tables I've played.
This one, I gained no ELO even though we won:
This one, I gained 1 ELO when we won.
This one, I gained 1 ELO when we won.
This one, I gained no ELO even though we won:
From now on, the rating never drops, even on defeat.
When players win, they gain rating equal to Player count × 2 × Each difficulty multiplier (cumulative).
- Jagged Rocks: × 1.5
- Sea Monsters: × (0.5 + Number of Sea Monsters / 4)
- Island Card Removal: × (1 + Number of removed cards / 8)
For example, if 4 players beat Galateia, 5 Sea Monsters, Jagged Rocks game, they gain 4 × 2 × 1.5 × 1.75 × 1.5 = 31 (rounded down) rating points.
Afegeix quelcom a aquest report
- Un altre ID de partida / ID de moviment
- Prémer F5 ha ajudat a arreglar el problema?
- El problema apareix diversos cops? Cada cop? a l'atzar?
- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.