#15361: "In The Battle for Hill 218, the indicator for "number of units destroyed" is always 0. "
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There is an indicator for "number of units destroyed" that isn't functional (it always shows 0). This is significant towards the end of the game, as the player who has destroyed more of the enemy's units wins (the player with more cards on board wins, but as all cards are played they are the same). This happens for every game of BFH218, not just this table # or screenshot.
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> as the player who has destroyed more of the enemy's units wins
Do you have a reference for this rule? From the rulebook on the publisher's site (0dd8ffde-71af-4ef1-a361-81cae116597b.filesusr.com/ugd/8d40ad_4d28b65eca8341b8b6c6e17ffbf2676a.pdf)
>> Win The Battle for Hill 218 in one of two ways:
>> • If a player occupies her opponent’s base, she wins immediately.
>> • If both players have no cards remaining in their deck and their hand and have used both their Air Strikes, the player with the most units remaining in play wins.
And here's an answer from the publisher that a tie is possible: boardgamegeek.com/thread/325735/article/2468532#2468532
> but as all cards are played they are the same
I'm not sure if it's what you were implying, but playing all cards doesn't always mean there's the same amount in play - there's often a mismatch in how many cards managed to destroy an opponents card.
I can confirm the bug with the units destroyed icon - I'm working on fixing that now
There is an indicator for number of units in play which can be used to determine who the tied winner will be. It's the last icon - wrapped to the next line in the screenshot you sent
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- El problema apareix diversos cops? Cada cop? a l'atzar?
- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.