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Hidden Leaders informes
#132129: "Ensuring Fair Play: Factions Should Be Equitably Distributed in Multiplayer Games"
acknowledged: Els desenvolupadors estan d'acord que és una bona idea i estan planejant treballar-hi
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Suggeriment: al meu entendre, aquesta idea pot millorar molt la implementació del joc
Descripció detallada
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
I recently participated in a game with a total of four players. Three of the players had an allegiance with the "undead" faction, while I was the only player without this allegiance. This situation made it nearly impossible for me to prevent the other players from meeting the win conditions for the "undead" faction. While I understand that an element of randomness and mystery is intended when distributing the leaders to players, I believe that fairness should also be taken into consideration to ensure an enjoyable experience for all.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
Historial de denúncies
Mac18 • Els desenvolupadors encara no han analitzat aquest suggeriment:
29 de jul. 2024 23:15 • - No need
- No
- There's always a chance that this problem occurs in a multiplayer setting
- No
- There's always a chance that this problem occurs in a multiplayer setting
Shun91 • Els desenvolupadors estan d'acord que és una bona idea i estan planejant treballar-hi:
1 d’ag. 2024 14:49 • Hello,
I see what you mean.
Randomness is a big part of the game and if you realize the undead can't win, you have to go all in with the second faction.
However, it might be possible to create an option for balanced factions. Although this would make it easier for players to guess each other's leaders.
I will ask the publisher about it.
I see what you mean.
Randomness is a big part of the game and if you realize the undead can't win, you have to go all in with the second faction.
However, it might be possible to create an option for balanced factions. Although this would make it easier for players to guess each other's leaders.
I will ask the publisher about it.
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- Un altre ID de partida / ID de moviment
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- El problema apareix diversos cops? Cada cop? a l'atzar?
- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.