#130923: "Could not pass on discarding cards"
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Descripció detallada
• Si us plau, copia i enganxa el missatge d'error que veus a la pantalla, si és que n'hi ha algun.
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Si us plau, què volies fer, què vas fer i que va succeir
Refreshed• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Si us plau, copieu/enganxeu el text mostrat en anglès en comptes del teu idioma. Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• És aquest text disponible al sistema de traducció? Si és així, ha sigut traduït fa més de 24 hores?
Refreshed• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Què es mostrava a la pantalla quan estaves bloquejat (pantalla en blanc? Part de la interfície del joc? Missatge d'error?)
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Quina part de les regles no s'han respectat per l'adaptació de BGA
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• És visible la violació de les normes durant la repetició de la partida? Si es així, en quin número de moviment?
Refreshed• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Quina va ser l'acció del joc que volies fer?
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Què intentes fer per dur a terme aquesta acció del joc?
Refreshed• Què va passar quan ho vas intentar fer (missatge d'error, missatge de la barra d'estat de la partida, ...)?
Sorry, didn't copy it. But as this happened 3 times today right at the start and I haven't run into this problem before, it appears that something in the game got changed. Have played over 100 games and never saw this occur.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• A quina fase del joc va passar l'error (quina era la ordre en curs)?
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Què va passar quan vas intentar dur a terme l'acció del joc (missatge d'error, missatge de la barra d'estat del joc, ...)?
Refreshed• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Si us plau, descriviu el problema de visualització. Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Si us plau, copieu/enganxeu el text mostrat en anglès en comptes del teu idioma. Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• És aquest text disponible al sistema de traducció? Si és així, ha sigut traduït fa més de 24 hores?
Refreshed• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
In three different games either I or my opponent were unable to pass on discarding cards in our first turn. Game had to be abandoned all 3 times.• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v126
Historial de denúncies
Refreshing did not help
Problem appeared at the start of 3 different games
Don't have a screenshot.
Unexpected error: Not a valid move (reference: GS8 23/07 19:42:25)
Unerwarteter Fehler:Not a valid move (reference: GS4 29/07 21:07:07)
I tried with iOS and macOS (Safari).
Unerwarteter Fehler:Not a valid move (reference: GS4 29/07 21:07:07)
I tried with iOS and macOS (Safari).
After discarding cards, I can't end my turn.
impossible de "passer" et/ou de conserver l'une ou l'autre en main... ça devient injouable 🫤
Quand je veux passer j ai une erreur. Gs3 ou gs8 habituellement.
C est très pénalisant car pour continuer il faut se débarrasser de toutes ses cartes. Cela ne vous donne plus aucune chance...
Erreur inattendue : Not a valid move (reference: GS10 11/08 00:36:22)
Unexpected error: Not a valid move (reference: GS9 11/08 11:59:52)
If your game interface seems unstable, press F5 or click here to reload
and keeps repeating!
This has happened at a few tables now, and it is making people run out on games, which is frustrating. You can play your whole turn just fine, but if you want to Pass on Discarding cards, it does not let you - you have to discard everything to end your turn.
error message : Erreur inattendue : Not a valid move (reference: GS10 14/08 09:44:36)
I can’t pass. I have to discard all my cards
Had to discard all my cards to end the turn. Other players have the same problem. This is the second time in this game.
J'entame une nouvelle partie (table 553450398) et j'ai toujours le problème en voulant passer.
Ci-joint une capture d'écran : imgur.com/a/Xnn3H8F
Erreur inattendue : Not a valid move (reference: GS10 2/08 14:10:34)
This game has to be suspended until someone will re-code it, too many errors, too much time and arena points wasted for everyone
First screenshot is how the game appears on a fresh load. Trying to press the pass button results in the error shown in screenshot 2. (Note, at this point the caard(s) in my hand loses highlight and becomes unclickable.)
The only recourse is to refresh which gets me back to the state in screenshot 1. And, as passing won't work, I am forced to discard.
Browser: Firefox on Ubuntu
Version 129.0.2 (64-bit)
Refreshing the page didn't help, neither with browser button, F5 or CTRL+F5
The problem occurred during every turn and forced me to discard all my cards, as I was unable to pass
Caught the screen shot of the error on real time. Had to discard all cards to continue. Repeated error on 2nd turn so abandoned the game.
Playing on BGA App/Chrome/Android
Un message type erreur exécution d'une requête vers la base de données (réference: GS10 19/09 21:23:20)
Also tried to pass discarding a card (after hand was down to 3) and could not.
Also opponent could not undo an action.
screen shot of error when trying to pass on playing second card
Afegeix quelcom a aquest report
- Un altre ID de partida / ID de moviment
- Prémer F5 ha ajudat a arreglar el problema?
- El problema apareix diversos cops? Cada cop? a l'atzar?
- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar Imgur.com per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.