Tots els informes
Tash-Kalar informes
#12525: "Types of discarded cards not displayed"
acknowledged: Els desenvolupadors estan d'acord que és una bona idea i estan planejant treballar-hi
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Suggeriment: al meu entendre, aquesta idea pot millorar molt la implementació del joc
Descripció detallada
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
When I discard cards in the actual board game, my opponent will know how many cards of each type (regular, legendary, flare) I discard because of the different piles (and even the backs of the cards are different). However, on BGA the log just shows number of cards discarded.
I think it would be better to display number of cards of each type discarded in the log (e.g. 1 regular, 2 legendary, 1 flare instead of just "4 cards")• Quin és el meu navegador?
Google Chrome v74
Historial de denúncies
19 de maig 2019 4:05 •
Quinarbre • Els desenvolupadors estan d'acord que és una bona idea i estan planejant treballar-hi:
19 de maig 2019 17:19 • You're right.
It will be a pain in the *** to implement because the structure of the sentence will have to be altered for each possible combination, but I'll try to tackle this one day.
It will be a pain in the *** to implement because the structure of the sentence will have to be altered for each possible combination, but I'll try to tackle this one day.
Arxij • Els desenvolupadors estan d'acord que és una bona idea i estan planejant treballar-hi:
8 de nov. 2022 23:35 • I should also be able to see which card my opponent discart, as in real game it would just lie on top of discard pile.
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- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.