Tots els informes
Perfect Words informes
#119094: "Allow addition of custom words"
awaiting: Els desenvolupadors encara no han analitzat aquest suggeriment
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Suggeriment: al meu entendre, aquesta idea pot millorar molt la implementació del joc
Descripció detallada
• Si us plau, expliqueu el vostre suggeriment de manera precisa i concisa, per que sigui el més fàcil d'entendre possible.
I know that this would require approval from the publisher/author.
It is rather common for this kind of game to come with blank tiles so that players can personalize the game.
There are many different ways this could be done.
Here is one such way (obviously as a table option):
- at start of game, each player can write down up to 2 word cards
- they specify whether the word is a concept (crab card) or a more concrete thing (non-crab card)
- depending on the option, cards written by the players are either added to the deck of 247 words or directly to the 40 selected cards that can actually appear during the game or something in between (put one at random directly in the 40 selected cards and the rest has as much chance as any other card to be selected)
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Google Chrome v122
Historial de denúncies
29 de març 2024 11:48 •
Phoxtrot • Els desenvolupadors encara no han analitzat aquest suggeriment:
29 de març 2024 11:52 • discussion possible here:
Afegeix quelcom a aquest report
Si us plau afegiu aquí qualsevol cosa que sembli rellevant per tal de reproduir aquest error o entendre el vostre suggeriment:
- Un altre ID de partida / ID de moviment
- Prémer F5 ha ajudat a arreglar el problema?
- El problema apareix diversos cops? Cada cop? a l'atzar?
- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.