Tots els informes
Solstis informes
#114435: "Serious repeated performance problems"
De què tracta aquest informe?
Què ha passat? Si us plau, selecciona a sota
Arribat el punt no he pogut accedir a la interfície del joc
Descripció detallada
• Què es mostrava a la pantalla quan estaves bloquejat (pantalla en blanc? Part de la interfície del joc? Missatge d'error?)
Almost every time BGA tried to load this game on different devices it would grind to a halt while showing the loading stream and BGA had to be restarted each time on mobile.
• Quin és el meu navegador?
Safari v17.1
Historial de denúncies
13 de febr. 2024 4:39 •
Origamimaus • L'error encara no ha estat reproduït pels desenvolupadors:
14 de febr. 2024 6:42 • Same happens when using Chrome on mobile device. You have to try several times and if you are lucky you may reach the game in the end
Moof • L'error encara no ha estat reproduït pels desenvolupadors:
14 de febr. 2024 7:42 • I try to solve this issue, but I couldn't reproduce this yet.
Can you give me the device and browser used please?
Can you give me the device and browser used please?
lefalaf • L'error encara no ha estat reproduït pels desenvolupadors:
17 d’abr. 2024 11:47 • For me, iPhone SE second edition. iOS 17.4.1. Latest os/Safari as of a couple days ago.
Other games work normally. And this one is fine on laptop mac Brave(chromium). Have not tried laptop Safari.
My symptoms:
On iPhone with latest iOS and latest safari when opening the game it locked up on the loading screen at 100% and it took down the phone. I could not switch apps, minimize, or anything. Had to hard reboot. Happened twice tonight. The first time I think it got as far as trying to show the cards.
Other games work normally. And this one is fine on laptop mac Brave(chromium). Have not tried laptop Safari.
My symptoms:
On iPhone with latest iOS and latest safari when opening the game it locked up on the loading screen at 100% and it took down the phone. I could not switch apps, minimize, or anything. Had to hard reboot. Happened twice tonight. The first time I think it got as far as trying to show the cards.
lefalaf • L'error encara no ha estat reproduït pels desenvolupadors:
17 d’abr. 2024 11:53 • Go figure. I accidentally just clicked on an open game and this time it worked. And fast.
Going to be a tough one to track down.
Going to be a tough one to track down.
lefalaf • L'error encara no ha estat reproduït pels desenvolupadors:
17 d’abr. 2024 11:58 • It seems if I quickly minimize Safari while stuck on the box loading image, or (new symptom) stuck with “Application loading…” bar inside the game, then maximize again, then the game appears to display ok.
Pennyfarthing • L'error encara no ha estat reproduït pels desenvolupadors:
22 de juny 2024 9:28 • Yes crashing frequently when moving to a Solstis table
Galaxy tab A running on Chrome
Galaxy tab A running on Chrome
Afegeix quelcom a aquest report
Si us plau afegiu aquí qualsevol cosa que sembli rellevant per tal de reproduir aquest error o entendre el vostre suggeriment:
- Un altre ID de partida / ID de moviment
- Prémer F5 ha ajudat a arreglar el problema?
- El problema apareix diversos cops? Cada cop? a l'atzar?
- Si tens una captura de pantalla d'aquest error (bona pràctica), pots utilitzar per pujar-ho i copiar i enganxar el link aquí.