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Configuració de la taula

Mode de joc
Mode normal
Per torns • 2 moviments al dia
map option
Cnidaria: Cnidaria is the home of valuable sonulux crystals, which send sound and light over long distances. This magical tool is used for communicating and has made the cities of Cnidaria major hubs of trade, culture, and innovation. However, the oceans are prowled by massive jellyfish reaching over 100 feet in length, and spires of jagged reefs make some areas impassable. special rules: • You cannot explore spaces with jagged reefs. • Each ruin space has a symbol. Some goals require you to explore ruin spaces with specific shapes. • Sonulux crystal spaces are wild terrain spaces and can be explored to earn . When you explore a crystal space, place a crystal token on the space with your explorer and earn equal to the value of this space plus all other crystal spaces you have explored in this era or previous eras. When you prepare for the next era, leave any crystal tokens on crystal spaces. While you can explore a crystal space with a crystal token again in later eras, doing so will not earn additional . Crystal spaces are not a part of any region.
display scores
not hidden scoring
play with others players shown scoring

1 min

temps d’espera de mitjana

Resultat de la partida


Configuració de la taula

Mode de joc
Mode normal
Per torns • 2 moviments al dia
+12h00 per torn (màxim 36h00)
map option
Cnidaria: Cnidaria is the home of valuable sonulux crystals, which send sound and light over long distances. This magical tool is used for communicating and has made the cities of Cnidaria major hubs of trade, culture, and innovation. However, the oceans are prowled by massive jellyfish reaching over 100 feet in length, and spires of jagged reefs make some areas impassable. special rules: • You cannot explore spaces with jagged reefs. • Each ruin space has a symbol. Some goals require you to explore ruin spaces with specific shapes. • Sonulux crystal spaces are wild terrain spaces and can be explored to earn . When you explore a crystal space, place a crystal token on the space with your explorer and earn equal to the value of this space plus all other crystal spaces you have explored in this era or previous eras. When you prepare for the next era, leave any crystal tokens on crystal spaces. While you can explore a crystal space with a crystal token again in later eras, doing so will not earn additional . Crystal spaces are not a part of any region.
display scores
not hidden scoring
play with others players shown scoring

Jugadors en aquesta taula

Informació del joc

Com jugar-hi?

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Desenvolupat per :

darhf, BoucleMed

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