Great Western Trail
Partida acabada
Estas a punt de jugar amb jugadors reals
La durada aproximada d'aquest joc és 21h05
Clicant a "acceptar" et compromets a jugar aquest joc fins al final.
Cancel·lar l'inici de la partida
Temps per pensar : +0:00 per torn (màxim 0:00)
La sortida, temporal o permanent, d'aquesta taula durant la partida afectarà a la teva reputació i pot fer que sigui més difícil trobar companys de joc de cara a futures partides.
Durada de la partida: 21h05
Aquesta partida compta per al torneig: World Cup 2024 - FINAL Strategic Games - Stage 1 - Group 1
Configuració de la taula
Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
- Guanya 2 dolars per cada edifici privat que tinguis als boscos
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Perform the action "Buy cattle from the cattle market"
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your cattleman 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 5 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- Move your cattleman 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Perform the action "Hire one worker" with hiring cost reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- Discard exactly 1 yellow cattle card and gain 10 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- For each pair consisting of 1 green and 1 blue teepee tile that you have collected, move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- Select one of the following action: Perform the action "Trade with the Indians" OR Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Mou el teu marcador de certificat el més endevant possible (p.e. fins arrivar al teu limit de certificat temporal)
-Mou el teu jugador 5 espais endevant pel camí. A la nova localització, realitza la fase B una altra vegada
- Paga 2 dòlars i realitza l'acció "Elimina un perill"
- Per cada espai de campana que hagis alliberat completament, mou 1 espai el teu marcador de cretificats i guanya 1 dolar
- Guanya 2 dolars per cada edifici privat que tinguis als boscos
- Descarta exactament una carta de bestiar blanca i guanya 4 dolars
- compra al mercat de bestiar
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 5 Dollars
- Move your herder up to 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Discard exactly one cattle card with a breeding value of 3 and gain 7 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Hire one worker. The hiring cost is reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- For each pair consisting of 1 orange and 1 green outlaw tile that you have collected: move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- EITHER remove one outlaw tile and gain the bonus OR perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Moveu el marcador de certificat el més endavant possible
- Moveu el ramader fins a 5 passos endavant al llarg del camí. A la ubicació recentment aconseguida, torneu a fer la fase B
- Traieu una fitxa de perill per 2 dòlars
- Traieu una altra fitxa de perill per 2 dòlars
-Guanya tants dolars com constructors tinguis a la fila de constructors
- Mou el teu jugador 1 espai per el camí. A la nova localització, realitza la fase B de nou
Jugadors(es) en aquesta taula
Nombre de jugadors : 2 Vull entre 2 i 2 Jugadors
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Convidar una amistat o invitar:
2 min
temps d’espera de mitjana
Jugadors disponibles amb Great Western Trail als seus favorits

Resultat de la partida
Configuració de la taula
Each time you reach Kansas City you may upgrade your orange Simmental cattle cards to the next stage in order to get a more valuable version.
- Guanya 2 dolars per cada edifici privat que tinguis als boscos
- Discard exactly 1 white cattle card and gain 4 Dollars
- Perform the action "Buy cattle from the cattle market"
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your cattleman 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Pay 5 Dollars and perform the action "Remove a hazard"
- Move your cattleman 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Perform the action "Hire one worker" with hiring cost reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- Discard exactly 1 yellow cattle card and gain 10 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- For each pair consisting of 1 green and 1 blue teepee tile that you have collected, move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- Select one of the following action: Perform the action "Trade with the Indians" OR Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Mou el teu marcador de certificat el més endevant possible (p.e. fins arrivar al teu limit de certificat temporal)
-Mou el teu jugador 5 espais endevant pel camí. A la nova localització, realitza la fase B una altra vegada
- Paga 2 dòlars i realitza l'acció "Elimina un perill"
- Per cada espai de campana que hagis alliberat completament, mou 1 espai el teu marcador de cretificats i guanya 1 dolar
- Guanya 2 dolars per cada edifici privat que tinguis als boscos
- Descarta exactament una carta de bestiar blanca i guanya 4 dolars
- compra al mercat de bestiar
- Discard exactly 2 cattle cards of the same type and gain 3 Dollars
- Move your herder 1 step forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Remove a hazard tile for 5 Dollars
- Move your herder up to 2 steps forward along the trail. On the newly reached location, perform phase B again
- Discard exactly one cattle card with a breeding value of 3 and gain 7 Dollars
- Perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Hire one worker. The hiring cost is reduced by 1
- Move your engine up to as many spaces forward as you have engineers
- For each pair consisting of 1 orange and 1 green outlaw tile that you have collected: move your certificate marker up to 2 spaces forward AND gain 2 Dollars
- EITHER remove one outlaw tile and gain the bonus OR perform one single or one double auxiliary action
- Move your engine up to 2 spaces forward
- Move your engine up to 3 spaces forward
- Perform an extraordinary delivery
- Moveu el marcador de certificat el més endavant possible
- Moveu el ramader fins a 5 passos endavant al llarg del camí. A la ubicació recentment aconseguida, torneu a fer la fase B
- Traieu una fitxa de perill per 2 dòlars
- Traieu una altra fitxa de perill per 2 dòlars
-Guanya tants dolars com constructors tinguis a la fila de constructors
- Mou el teu jugador 1 espai per el camí. A la nova localització, realitza la fase B de nou