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Les estadístiques dels jugadors només estan disponibles per a membres Prèmium de Board Game Arena

Dóna suport a Board Game Arena: fes-te Prèmium!

Perfil de joc

Mitjana de Marzycielka77 Mitjana de tots els jugadors Mitjana dels guanyadors
Temps per pensar
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Tasty Score, Round 1, Cake 1
Tasty Score, Round 1, Cake 2
Tasty Score, Round 1, Cake 3
Tasty Score, Round 1, Total
Star Points from Tasty Score, Round 1
Tasty Score, Round 2, Cake 1
Tasty Score, Round 2, Cake 2
Tasty Score, Round 2, Cake 3
Tasty Score, Round 2, Total
Star Points from Tasty Score, Round 2
Tasty Score, Round 3, Cake 1
Tasty Score, Round 3, Cake 2
Tasty Score, Round 3, Cake 3
Tasty Score, Round 3, Total
Star Points from Tasty Score, Round 3
Tasty Score, Round 4, Cake 1
Tasty Score, Round 4, Cake 2
Tasty Score, Round 4, Cake 3
Tasty Score, Round 4, Total
Star Points from Tasty Score, Round 4
Star Points from Customer, Round 1
Star Points from Customer, Round 2
Star Points from Customer, Round 3
Star Points from Customer, Round 4
Total Star Points from Customers
Total Star Points from Tasty Score
GRàCIES! : Ets un dels nostres jugadors més lleials!
Aconsegueix el millor de Board Game Arena per només $5 / mes.