This time, you roll and build!
My City: Roll & Build is the second game from the My City series. It is a dice game in which over four chapters, each with three episodes, you create a unique city. The roll of the dice shows everyone which building to draw on their game pad, and from episode to episode, you have to face new challenges. First the land is developed and later gold is found. This brings bandits into your city who must be surrounded and taken into custody.
A single game takes 10–20 minutes and every chapter introduces new game mechanics (1: basics, 2: churches, 3: achievements, 4: bandits) in an accessible step-by-step way. Every turn, you roll three dice. One tells you which one of three building types you have to place and the other two combine into a polyomino that determines the shape of the building. You do this by connecting them at the grey semicircle that is printed on each side of every die. There is also a pair of compasses on one side of one die that makes you draw churches or fortresses in later game chapters.
You draw your buildings on a map with square tiles that is given on a sheet of paper for each level and try to cover it as densely as possible. On every map, there is a river that a building must not cross, stones that give negative points if they aren’t covered by a building at the end of the game, and trees that give positive points in the same way. Empty spaces also give negative points. You decide yourself when to end a game and calculate the score. You then move on to the next game in the campaign, which will introduce new mechanics for you to enjoy!
You can play through the campaign or pick your favorite individual episodes or chapters to play over and over again.
Of course, there's a tutorial available for you to learn it in no-time, but you can discover more and start your very own campaign by clicking the link below:
We would love to thank Moof for the amazing work done in developing the game. We absolutely need to send our thanks to the KOSMOS publishing team and to Reiner Knizia, who created this game, for the authorization.
And that's it for today release!
**Roll your way through the country, and see you next week.
**Until then, take care and play fair!
La meva ciutat de Reiner Knizia: enrotlla i construeix!
Aquesta vegada, rodeu i construĂŻu!
My City: Roll & Build és el segon joc de la sèrie My City.
És un joc de daus en què al llarg de quatre capĂtols, cadascun amb tres episodis, crees una ciutat Ăşnica.
El llançament dels daus mostra a tothom quin edifici ha de dibuixar al seu bloc de joc i, d'episodi en episodi, has d'afrontar nous reptes.
Primer es desenvolupa el terreny i més tard es troba or.
Això porta bandits a la vostra ciutat que han de ser envoltats i detinguts.
Un sol joc dura entre 10 i 20 minuts i cada capĂtol introdueix noves mecĂ niques de joc (1: conceptes bĂ sics, 2: esglĂ©sies, 3: assoliments, 4: bandolers) d'una manera accessible pas a pas.
Cada torn, tires tres daus.
Un t'indica quin dels tres tipus d'edifici has de col·locar i els altres dos es combinen en un poliomino que determina la forma de l'edifici.
Ho feu connectant-los al semicercle gris que s'imprimeix a cada costat de cada dau.
TambĂ© hi ha un parell de brĂşixoles a un costat d'un dau que et fan dibuixar esglĂ©sies o fortaleses en capĂtols posteriors del joc.
Dibuixes els teus edificis en un mapa amb rajoles quadrades que es dóna en un full de paper per a cada nivell i intenta cobrir-lo el més dens possible.
A cada mapa, hi ha un riu que un edifici no ha de creuar, pedres que donen punts negatius si no estan cobertes per un edifici al final del joc i arbres que donen punts positius de la mateixa manera.
Els espais buits també donen punts negatius.
Tu mateix decideixes quan acabar un joc i calcula la puntuaciĂł.
A continuació, passareu al següent joc de la campanya, que introduirà noves mecà niques perquè gaudiu!
Pots jugar a travĂ©s de la campanya o triar els teus episodis o capĂtols individuals preferits per jugar una i altra vegada.
Per descomptat, hi ha un tutorial disponible per aprendre-ho en un breu moment, però podeu descobrir-ne més i iniciar la vostra pròpia campanya fent clic a l'enllaç següent:
Ens agradaria agrair a Moof l'increĂŻble treball realitzat en el desenvolupament del joc.
Hem d'enviar el nostre agraĂŻment a l'equip editorial de KOSMOS i a Reiner Knizia, que va crear aquest joc, per l'autoritzaciĂł.
I això és tot per l'estrena d'avui!
Camineu pel paĂs i ens veiem la setmana vinent.
Fins aleshores, cuida't i juga net!