Whether at work, in the evenings or over the weekend, “fika” is an integral part of Swedish life and is much more than just a coffee break. It’s about making space in your daily life to chat over a hot drink, as you nibble delicious pastries.
In Fika, you are a street café owner trying to outearn your competitor, by skillfully arranging the cards in your own café and manipulating those of your opponent, so that you can be the first to win two rounds.
Each round is made up of 2 phases: You first determine the primary and secondary suit colors for the round, and then you start playing your cards. To play, choose one card from your hand simultaneously and put it face down in front of you. Reveal your chosen card simultaneously. Place cards into your café, respecting the order of initiative, and choose whether to resolve their effects.
At the end of the round, review your café from left to right to see which objectives have been fulfilled. Each card has one objective, which earns you coins if you have that card in your café and you fulfill its requirements. If a Group card has been placed in front of a card, that card’s coin reward is either doubled or tripled, depending on which half of the Group points towards you. Add up all the coins you have earned from your objectives. If you have earned the most coins, you win the round and receive 1 Tip card. If you now have 2 Tip cards, the game ends and you win! Otherwise, set up the next round and continue playing.
Click below to try this game on Board Game Arena right now, but don't forget we have a tutorial included for you to learn how to play it!
All of our thanks go to Fletcheese who developed the game, as well as to the publisher Board Game Circus and, of course, the game designer Kwibus Gamedesign. This adaptation is beautiful and works very well on most devices. You really should treat it as a treat for yourself, after a long day. It's important to take care of yourself!
So that's it for today.
Until Wednesday, take care and... play fair!
FIKA: Plat dolç de Suècia!
Ja sigui a la feina, al vespre o durant el cap de setmana, "fika" és una part integral de la vida sueca i és molt més que una pausa per al cafè.
Es tracta de fer espai a la teva vida diària per xerrar amb una beguda calenta, mentre menges deliciosos pastissos.
A Fika, ets el propietari d'un cafè al carrer que intenta guanyar més que el teu competidor, disposant hàbilment les cartes del teu propi cafè i manipulant les del teu oponent, de manera que puguis ser el primer a guanyar dues rondes.
Cada ronda es compon de 2 fases: primer determineu els colors del vestit primari i secundari per a la ronda, i després comenceu a jugar les vostres cartes.
Per jugar, tria una carta de la teva mà alhora i posa-la boca avall davant teu.
Revela la targeta escollida simultàniament.
Col·loca les cartes a la teva cafeteria, respectant l'ordre d'iniciativa, i tria si vols resoldre'n els efectes.
Al final de la ronda, revisa el teu cafè d'esquerra a dreta per veure quins objectius s'han complert.
Cada targeta té un objectiu, que et permet guanyar monedes si la tens a la teva cafeteria i compleixes els seus requisits.
Si s'ha col·locat una targeta de grup davant d'una targeta, la recompensa de la moneda d'aquesta targeta es duplica o es triplica, depenent de quina meitat del grup apunti cap a tu.
Suma totes les monedes que has guanyat amb els teus objectius.
Si has guanyat més monedes, guanyes la ronda i rebràs 1 targeta de Propina.
Un cop tinguis 2 cartes de Propina, el joc s'acaba i tu guanyes!
En cas contrari, configureu la següent ronda i continueu jugant.
Fes clic a continuació per provar aquest joc a Board Game Arena ara mateix, però no oblidis que tenim un tutorial inclòs perquè aprenguis a jugar-hi!
Tot el nostre agraïment va a Fletcheese que va desenvolupar el joc, així com a l'editor Board Game Circus i, per descomptat, al dissenyador de jocs Kwibus Gamedesign.
Aquesta adaptació està molt bé i funciona correctament a la majoria de dispositius.
Realment hauríeu de tractar-lo com un regal per a vosaltres mateixos, després d'un llarg dia.
És important cuidar-se!
Fins dimecres, cuideu-vos i... a jugar net!