Joc de cartes nacional de França i Aràbia Saudita. Declara combos i guanya trucs de punts.
El belote és probablement el joc més jugat a França, essencialment per adults (els joves probablement jugaran la variant "coinche" o el tarot durant l'institut).
Es coneix des de l'any 1930 a França, i es juga com a joc familiar o com a joc d'atzar (encara que aquest últim estigui prohibit als bistrots).
Es necessita una baralla de 32 cartes (és a dir, una baralla de pòquer sense cartes 2-6 i sense bromistas).
Belote és un joc de trucs de punts per a 4 jugadors.
Els jugadors formen equips de 2. Els socis s'asseuen en seients oposats.
El repartidor dóna a tothom 3 cartes boca avall i després 2.
Després d'això, la primera carta de la baralla es gira cap amunt. El seu vestit servirà com a triomf.
Aleshores, cada jugador anuncia si agafarà aquesta carta o no. Si un jugador l'agafa, rep la carta boca amunt. Aleshores, el repartidor reparteix 3 cartes a tothom excepte al prenedor, que només en rep dues. Això fa 8 cartes per a tothom.
Si cap jugador agafa la carta, fem una altra ronda on cada jugador anunciï si agafa la carta, però també anunciem el pal que servirà com a triomf si ho fa (en comptes del pal de la carta boca amunt).
Nombre de jugadors: 4
Durada de la partida: 19 mn
Complexitat: 2 / 5
Juga a Belote i 959 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Juga a Belote i 959 a altres jocs en línia.
No és necessari descarregar res - juga directament des del navegador web.
Amb les teves amistats i milers de jugadors del món sencer.
De franc.
Resum de les regles
- 32 card deck 78910JQKA.
- 2playersvs2players trick-taking game.
- Teammates cannot communicate during the game.
- First team to score ≥ 1000 points wins.
- Counter-clockwise turn order.
- Taker adds the card values to their team's score in each hand.
Rebelote: the 2nd Q or K of the trump suit.
Dix de Der: take the last trick of a hand (+10 points).
Capot: take all tricks of a hand (+90 points).
Attacking team: team with the player who took the bidding card.
Defending team: team without the player who took the bidding card.
Contract: scoring of the hand.
Contention: points tie at the end of a hand. Winner of the next hand gains the attacking team's points.
Taker: the player who wins the trick.
Trump: a suit that wins against any other suit.Scoring
Rank | J | 9 | A | 10 | K | Q | 8 | 7 |
Trump value | 20 | 14 | 11 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 0 | |
All trump value | 13 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Rank | A | 10 | K | Q | J | 9 | 8 | 7 |
Non-trump value | 11 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 0 | ||
No trump value | 19 |
- 5cards in hand/players
- 1 card (of the remaining 12) is turned face-up.
- Bidding ends when a player takes the face-up card.
- Player to the right of the dealer leads.
- Players take turns to pass or take the face-up card:
- 1st round: face-up card suit is the trump suit.
- 2nd round: choose the trump suit.
- All / No Trumps: 3rd round: choose all trumps or no trumps.
- If all players pass, the cards are re-dealt and the dealer changes.
- The remaining deck is dealt: +3 ⇨ 8cards in hand/players.
- 8 tricks/hand.
- Player to the right of the dealer leads 1st trick.
- Players take turns to play a card:
- Must follow suit, else
- must play a higher trump if their team has not played the strongest trump, else
- must discard.
- Taker gains points for every card.
- Taker leads the next trick.
Bonus points
- Dix de Der: take the last trick of a hand (+10 points).
- Capot: take all tricks of a hand (+90 points, total 252 points).
- Belote-Rebelote: A single player who plays both Q and K of a trump suit gains 20 points for their team.
- All trumps: a hand can have up to 4 belote-rebelote pairs (+20 points each).
- If the attacking team has fewer points than the defending team, they lose the contract.
- Attacking team: +0 points.
- Defending team: +162 points.
- If the teams are tied on points, there is a Contention:
- Defending team immediately gains their points.
- Winner of the next hand gains the attacking team's points.
- Excludes Belote-Rebelote points.